$47.00 USD

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Banish Business Clutter Challenge

Get off the Clutter Struggle Bus

Learn how to implement a planned and productive online system that saves your time and sanity so you can focus on your business.

In this challenge, I break down exactly how to do things like 👇

1️⃣ Reduce (even eliminate) paper clutter by creating an online system that allows you to access information from anywhere on any device. (Even tax time will be a breeze!)

2️⃣ Set up your digital files, systems, and tools so they work for you! No more wasting time looking for files or being paralyzed by tech confusion and overwhelm.

3️⃣ Develop a system that reduces mental clutter so you Implement habits that help you focus on the most important people and tasks to achieve your goals.

……..And so much more!

This program includes instant and lifetime access to all of the replays from my most recent challenge. (Meaning you can jump in and rewatch as often as you'd like!) 

✓ Day 1 - How to Go from Digital Dread to Digital Diva
✓ Day 2 - How to Get Started with Your Online System
✓ Day 3 - How to Turn Clutter into Clarity
✓ Day 4 - How to Keep Your Digital Information Organized and Accessible

✓ Plus a Bonus Training - 10 Ways to Use Evernote

*** This program is included in The Digital Clutter Cure and Challenge Launch Roadmap so do not purchase if you own one of these programs. ***

NOTE: If you have already purchased any programs with me, it will ask you to SIGN IN when you enter your email. Please do this so that all of your programs can be accessed through the same email.

What People Are Saying:

If you are overwhelmed and frustrated with technology and looking for a teacher who can help you set up your systems so they work for you, Lydia is that person! Her tips are truly "sanity savers" and her teaching style is clear, comprehensive, and concise. Every time I work with her I walk away with so many lightbulb moments and I save tons of time when I apply what she teaches in her training.

Yvonne Mattson