Skyrocket Your December Profits & Delight your Audience

Learn how to implement a holiday promotion that allows you to enjoy the holidays with family and friends without sacrificing sales!

Introducing the...

12 Days of Christmas Playbook

Everything you need to create a holiday game plan that captivates your audience and amplifies your sales!


Looking to amplify your year-end earnings amidst the holiday hustle?? 

Engaging your audience in the final month of the year doesn't have to be tough. Dive into our proven game plan and watch the magic unfold!

What can a 12 Days of Christmas promotion do for you?

Boost your December sales like never before.

Engage your audience with exciting daily deals.

Streamline and optimize your promotional efforts.

Set yourself up for success in the upcoming year.

12 Days Christmas

Promo Playbook

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

Call To Action

From December Despair to Stupendous Sales!

In my inaugural year as a business owner, I found myself walking on thin ice. With December quickly approaching, and without a concrete sales strategy, my profits dwindled — marking it the most challenging month of my entrepreneurial journey.

But as the saying goes, “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.”

The following year I implemented a "12 Days of Christmas" promotion, inspired by a strategy I'd implemented in a previous business. From December 1-12, my community was treated to daily deals, culminating in a grand surprise on the 13th day.

The result?

A dazzling $21K in just 14 days, skyrocketing the entire month’s earnings to a whopping $30K! To my surprise this ONE strategy made December my second highest earning month of the year.

Now, every December, my audience eagerly anticipates our festive tradition. I'm thrilled to unveil the secrets behind this success, offering you the very tips and templates that transformed my business.

Ready to elevate your December and end your year with a bang? Let's dive in!

Lydia xo

What surprises await inside the Playbook?

Step-by-Step Training

Deep dive into my masterclass that unveils every secret to designing a year-end promo that skyrockets your sales.

Planner & Calculator

Easily organize daily offers and predict your sales trajectory with our tailored Google Sheet.


No guesswork! Our comprehensive checklist ensures your holiday promo is set to generate revenue.

Canva Graphics

All the marketing images and mockups you'll need, which you can customize to your brand's unique style.

Brand Boards

Our six holiday and season themed brand boards allow you to personalize your promotion with ease.

Landing Page Template

Learn to craft an enticing landing page, vital for spotlighting your daily deals, regardless of your tech tool.

Email Templates

Swiftly curate compelling emails using our templates, designed for optimal holiday promo success.

ChatGPT Prompts

Feeling stuck? Let's tap into AI, with prompts that guide you in brainstorming captivating daily deals.

Ready to make this December unforgettable?

Secure your playbook now and supercharge your year-end profits.


Caroline M.

I loved the first year Lydia did her 12 Days of Christmas promo and I bought even more the second year. And now, thanks to everything she shares in the Playbook, I can run my own 12 Days of Christmas promo in my business!

Cynthia L.

You won't believe everything Lydia has included in this Playbook. I am still in shock! The teaching, guides, templates (and more) takes "giving value" to a whole new level. Lydia, blessings to you and a huge thank you! 

Chelsie H.

This training is insane! I love how you share tons of creative ideas for the offers we can use. And the design templates and planning resources made it super easy to get started. This is going to be an awesome December! 🙌

Need answers? We've got you...

One-Time Payment



🎁 Step-by-Step Training

🎁 Checklist

🎁 Planner & Calculator

🎁 Canva Graphics

🎁 Brand Boards

🎁 Landing Page Template

🎁 Email Templates

🎁 ChatGPT Prompts

🎁 And more...

Everything you need to create and deliver a holiday promotion that skyrockets your year-end sales.